Sometimes relationships go beyond being strained and a party becomes the victim of domestic violence. This happens quite often. It can be verbal threats or actual physical harm.  Such abuse has led to serious injuries and even death to some of the victims.
If you are a victim of domestic violence, it is important that you know you don’t have to stay in the relationship. You shouldn’t stay in the relationship. There is assistance that is available to you. You have alternatives. You need to be aware of them, it could be a matter of life and death.
Not only can our attorneys help you seek a restraining order, we can direct you to organizations that help with housing, food and work for you and your child(ren).  Be safe, and reach out to us.
Not only do our attorneys have experience in assisting individuals who are in need of a restraining order, but we also assist people who have been falsely accused of domestic violence and need legal representation in contesting a restraining order. A restraining order can have adverse effects on an individual, including loss of job, firearms, restrictions on parenting time, just to name a few. If you believe you were unjustly accused of domestic violence, and served with a copy of the Restraining Order, do not disregard the return date. Contact us immediately and we will review the matter with you.