Market figures can give you an indication of the condition of a particular market. They willl fluctuate continuously, so it is helpful to remain up to date if you are contemplating buying or selling in Burlington. The full year 2015 Burlington MA single family market statistics below may be useful if you are thinking of purchasing or selling in Burlington.

Single Family Property Prices in Burlington MA

Average selling prices give a general idea of how the market is doing. During full year 2015, single family Burlington MA properties had an average sale price of 549150. For the previous year, the average sale price was $505,446. Thus, it increased 8.65 %. In the year before that, the average was $442,685.

2015 $549,150
2014 $505,446
2013 $442,685

Activity in the Burlington MA Market

Number of properties sold indicate some things about the market. Low figures usually mean little inventory, which contributes to a build up of demand and drive up market values. This may be applicable in a sellers market. On the other hand, too much inventory may cause an excess. Buyers will receive the advantage in that case because sellers must compete to get their homes sold.

In Burlington MA for the full year 2015, the number of properties sold was 250. This is a -5.47% difference from the prior year (which was190). In the year before that, it varied -5.47% from 201 to 190.

2015 250
2014 190
2013 201

Burlington MA 2015 Full Year Average Marketing Time Frame

Average marketing time framedetails the amount of time it takes to attract a valid buyer. It will you give a sense of how active the market may be and what advantage, if any, you could have as either a buyer or seller. When new listings are selling quickly, as a buyer, you may not have the benefit of waiting to act as the house may go under contract really fast. As a seller, it is critical to keep reasonable expectations on how quickly you might be able to find a home buyer. Do not forget that the price and presentation of a certain home will impact that also.

The Average marketing time frame in Burlington MA for the full year increased 13.11% from 61 to 69. During the previous period, it moved -6.15% from 65 to 61.

2015 69
2014 61
2013 65

Full Year 2015 Burlington MA Single Family Market Statistics

For more full year 2015 Burlington MA single family market statistics or details for neighboring areas, please contact Peter DaMore , Attorney at Law Offices of Peter T. DaMore Jr. These figures were obtained from the Mass. MLS Property Information Network, Inc. It is intended to provide a basic overview of the market, is not certified accurate, and might not encompass every single family sold in Burlington.