Property prices in a town continually change. The average price of listings closed provides a general overview of the market. Other statistics such as the low, median, and high prices are also useful. The Burlington MA condo property sale prices for 2nd quarter 2016 in this blog detail stats for the previous several years.
Condo Real Estate Prices for Burlington MA – 2nd Quarter
Average Selling Price
The average selling price in Burlington MA for the 2nd quarter increased 20.85% from $386,170 (in 2015) to $466,691 (in 2016). Prior to that, it increased 34.41% from $287,301 (in 2014) to $386,170 (in 2015). That after a -38.7% change. These figures show no consistent pattern across the past few years.
2012 | $296,067 |
2013 | $468,700 |
2014 | $287,301 |
2015 | $386,170 |
2016 | $466,691 |
Lowest Sale Price of Listings Sold
The lowest sold price in Burlington MA for the 2nd quarter increased 18.13% from $160,000 (in 2015) to $189,000 (in 2016). This after it increased 1.27% from $158,000 (in 2014) to $160,000 (in 2015). Before that was a -56.1% change.
2012 | $105,000 |
2013 | $359,900 |
2014 | $158,000 |
2015 | $160,000 |
2016 | $189,000 |
Median Sale Price
The median selling price in Burlington MA for the 2nd quarter increased 2.55% from $492,450 (in 2015) to $505,000 (in 2016). This after it increased 107.39% from $237,450 (in 2014) to $492,450 (in 2015). Before that there was a -47.23% change.
2012 | $352,950 |
2013 | $450,000 |
2014 | $237,450 |
2015 | $492,450 |
2016 | $505,000 |
Top Sale Price of Homes Sold
The highest sale price in Burlington MA for the 2nd quarter increased 6.19% from $565,000 (in 2015) to $600,000 (in 2016). In the time frame previous to that, it increased 28.44% from $439,900 (in 2014) to $565,000 (in 2015). Prior to that was a -32.32% change.
2012 | $440,000 |
2013 | $650,000 |
2014 | $439,900 |
2015 | $565,000 |
2016 | $600,000 |
Burlington MA Condo Property Sale Prices For 2nd Quarter 2016
For additional Burlington MA condo property sale prices for 2nd quarter 2016 or information for neighboring neighborhoods, please contact Peter DaMore, Attorney at Law Offices of Peter T. DaMore Jr. by calling 781-229-7900 or emailing Note: These figures were compiled from third party sources including county records and the MA MLS Property Information Network, Inc. It is intended to offer a general overview of the real estate market, are not guaranteed, and might not necessarily include every condo transferred in Burlington.